Google Chrome and Google+

When using my Mac at home my default browser has always been Safari. It has been known for years at our house that my husband uses Chrome and I use Safari. We never wanted to mess with logging in and out of all the websites and switching accounts, so we stuck with our plan. After researching Chrome I discovered many reasons why, I too should be using Chrome. Also, I discovered how I we could easily switch back and forth between our accounts. Who knew it could be so easy!

This blog post is going to explore some features of Google Chrome and Google+.

Google Chrome should be your web browser of choice. For so many reasons, but especially because of Google Extensions!

Here are two videos about Google Extensions and some examples of Extensions you can download and use on Chrome.

Extensions are a great way to improve your browsing experience. The Google Extensions store will look like this.

When searching through the Extensions, I looked for the highest rated and most used Extensions. Three I enjoyed using were the Feedly Mini Extension. I love using Feedly and thought it was a great idea to add a quick link to Feedly on my Extension dock.

Another Extension I found is Note Board. Note Board remind me of Padlet and Pinterest. It is a digital note board where the user can add notes, photos or links.

Another awesome feature of Google is Google+. Google+ is an internet based social media site owned by Google. On Google+ users can connect with others by following people or joining communities. My four favorite communities are: Creativity in the Common Core Classroom, Elementary and Primary School Ed Tech, Google Classroom, and STEM on Google+. All of these are jammed packed full of good ideas. I did notice however, that some of the communities have not posted for a couple months or even years. Even though some of the communities are out of date, Google+ can easily be used in the classroom or with a group of staff at a school. It would be an easy and safe way to share information with others.

Here is a video that walks you through and explains how to use Google+.

Google is such an incredible tool. I have a feeling I am just scratching the surface on what is available to use. Stayed tuned for more Google related posts in the near future!


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