The Productive Teacher

The Productive TeacherTeaching is hard work. Balancing a full time job, a family and the responsbilities of life creates in me a desire to be the most productive I can be. One way I have learned to save a lot of time is figuring out ways to make my life at school easier. Besides using routines and procedures daily, I have begun to incorporate many kinds of technology.

Here are 10 websites to make your life as a teacher easier.
10. GoNoodle
9. Learn Zillion
8. Online Boxing Timer
7. Screencast-O-Matic
6. Bouncy Balls
5. Teachers Pay Teachers
4. Sign Up Genius
3. Flippity
2. NearPod 
1. Seesaw

These 10 websites have transformed my productivity in the classroom, some of them more than others, but all of them have given me the opportunity to spend more time with my students and family.

Flippity allows you to create games and review activities for your students. The opportunities are endless. Here are a couple of the activities available on their website. Be sure you have a Google account before using Flippity.

Another feature, not mentioned above is Adobe Spark. Adobe Spark allows you to create pages, graphics or videos for free. A teacher could use Adobe Spark to create graphics for an event or a Page for a Meet the Teacher Night instead of a PowerPoint. Here is an example of an Adobe Spark Page created with information about how to be a more productive teacher.

The Productive Teacher Adobe Spark Page

Taking the time to explore sites like these and others will allow you to have a more productive classroom and free up more of your time. Good luck exploring more sites.


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